Commercial Fishing/Sector Information
- Acronyms (Management-based)
- Acronyms (Science-based)
- FishTrax Online
- Georges Bank Fixed Gear Sector
- Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association
- Marine Resource Education Program (MREP)
- NOAA Fish Online
- NOAA Vessel Trip Report (VTR) Instructions
- NOAA’s Sector Trip Checklist
- Northeast Coastal Communities Sector
- Northeast Fishery Sector II (NEFS 2)
- Northeast Fishery Sector III (NEFS 3)
- Northeast Groundfish Sector ACE Transfers
- Pre-Trip Notification System for Multispecies Trips
- Sector Manager Contact Information
- Sustainable Harvest Sector
- Vessel Regulations Overview
- Vessel Trip Report (VTR) Instruction Guide
On the Water
- AIS Marine Traffic
- Convert Loran to Lat-Long
- GoMOOS Moored Buoy Program
- Local Tides
- Marine Weather Forecasts
- National Data Buoy Center
- Northeast Doppler Radar
- Sea Surface Temperature
Recommended Publications & News
- Commercial Fisheries News
- Fishery Information & Services (FIS)
- National Fisherman
- NOAA Fisheries FishNews sign-up
- NOAA Fisheries Service Media Center
- NOAA Northeast Regional Office Consitutent email sign-up
- Saving Seafood
- The Working Waterfront
Recommended Sites for Industry
- GearNet
- Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association
- Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI)
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Fishing Tax Center
- Maine Fishermen’s Forum
- Massachusetts Fishermen’s Partnership
- NMFS Permit Holder email sign-up
- NOAA Northeast Region Cooperative Research Program
- NOAA Northeast Region Fishing Industry Homepage
- NOAA Northeast Region Grants
- Sea Grants
- Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection: Commercial Fishing
- Federal Register
- Fishery Regulations Info Sheets
- Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation & Management Act
- Maine Department of Marine Resources
- Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
- NERO Fishery Regulations
- New England Fishery Management Council
- New Hampshire Fish & Game: Commercial Saltwater Fishing
- NOAA Fisheries Fishing Industry
- NOAA Fisheries NE Multispecies Sector Management
- NOAA Fisheries Service Permit Holder Letters
- Rhode Island Department of Environmental Affairs
- US Coast Guard Compliance Document for Fishermen
Today’s Auction Prices
Vessel Safety
- NOAA Vessel Monitoring Program
- NOAA’s Skymate declaration & forms screens
- NOAA’s VMS Quick Reference Guide
- OSHA Confined Safety on Commercial Fishing Vessels fact sheet
- U.S. Coast Guard Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety
- U.S. Coast Guard Dockside Examination contacts
- United States Coast Guard (USCG)
As a convenience to you, Northeast Seafood Coalition provides links to web sites operated by other entities, but makes no warranty or representation whatsoever about any linked site and does not imply an affiliation or association with any such site. If you visit or use a linked site, you do so at your own risk.