NSC members are small, independent, entrepreneurial businesses that fish for—and support fishing for—cod, haddock, flounders, and other groundfish species along the northeast coast. NSC’s fishing business members fish small, medium, and large vessels from ports all along the northeast coast using all groundfish gear types (trawl, longline, gillnet, and others). This year, NSC membership comprises of approximately 250 business entities, which among them hold over 500 federal limited access multispecies permits.
Staff and Key Volunteers
- John Bell, Chairman
- Jackie Odell, Executive Director
- Vito Giacalone, Chair Of Governmental Affairs
- Glenn Delaney, Federal Representative & Consultant
- Christine Sherman, Membership & Fundraising Coordinator
BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 2016 – 2017:
- John Bell, Gloucester, MA | Chairman
- Richard Canastra, New Bedford, MA | Treasurer | BASE New England
- Vito Giacalone, Gloucester, MA | Chair, Governmental Affairs |
- Angela Sanfilippo, Gloucester, MA | Clerk | Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association
- Richard Burgess, Manchester by-the-Sea, MA | F/V Lori B & F/V Ryan Zachary
- Raymond Canastra, New Bedford, MA | BASE New England
- Albert Cottone, Gloucester, MA | F/V Sabrina Maria
- David Goethel, Hampton, NH | F/V Ellen Diane
- James Hayward, Eliot, ME | F/V Heidi & Elisabeth, F/V Rolling Stone
- William McCann, Wareham, MA | F/V Pilgrim, F/V Shamrock
- Kevin Norton, Scituate, MA | F/V Miss Emily
- Stefanie Noto, Gloucester, MA | F/V Grace Marie
- Joseph Orlando, Gloucester, MA | F/V Padre Pio
- Sarah Robinson JD, SJD, Brookline, MA | Critical Inquiries Research
- Susan Sandler, Hamilton, MA | F/V Sea Farmer
- Edward Smith, Manchester-by-the-Sea | F/V Claudia Marie, F/V Special K
- Massachusetts Senator Bruce Tarr | Gloucester, MA/Senate Minority Leader
- Michael Walsh, Boston MA | Multiple Vessel Owner/Captain
The Northeast Seafood Coalition strives to ensure membership on the Board of Directors comprises individuals that hold expertise and knowledge necessary to represent the diversity of the organization’s membership. If you are an active NSC member in good-standing and would like to nominate yourself or someone you know (who is also an active NSC member in good-standing) to serve on the Board of Directors, please contact an NSC Board member or staff person.