The Northeast Seafood Coalition will host a very special fun event this July to help improve the reliability of fisheries science.  NSC is on a mission to better align government fish stock estimates with the reality of what fishermen experience first-hand every day on the water.

Join us at the Gala for Know Fish : Better Science

Thursday, July 27, 6:00 PM

The Gloucester House Restaurant, 63 Rogers St.

Purchase of a $100 raffle ticket admits you to the event and gives you a chance to win cash prizes from $1,000 to $5,000! Plus, you will also receive a full-size color “Cod” lawn ornament by noted marine artist Jeff Weaver.  Additional lawn ornaments will also be available for purchase.  The evening event will feature a cooking demonstration, tasty buffet with various fish from our different ports, additional raffles, an auction and live music.

Plan on having a great time, while helping support your local fishing community with better science. To get your Admission/Raffle Ticket, call Chris Sherman at 978-269-4555.